Agree 100%, George! I would propose that (due to 'merican exceptionalism) folks are workers when it comes to their paycheck and consumers when it comes to someone else's paycheck. We seem to believe in a God-given right to cheap goods and cheap energy with absolutely zero situational awareness as to what is happening in the rest of the world.
-Gas prices are up a bit b/c of the war in Ukraine? The president sucks and he needs to get those prices under control.
-Inflation is under 4% while it's over 5% in Europe? The president sucks and he needs to get inflation under control
-Your pay is up 10% in the last 12 months? Yeah - but inflation is skyrocketing and gas prices are through the roof - the president sucks and needs to increase my pay, but keep everyone else's low so I don't have to pay more.