Great piece, Scott - thank you for providing focus and eloquence to our struggle.
18-year old son who has been out of HS for a year is living at home with (at best) vague notions of further education and/or job, with no plans to move out.
He's a musician.
He's worked and played with "names" 2 and 3 times his age. He's built a small recording studio at the house where he acts as a producer for his peers while recording his own music.
Where will this lead? No clue - but my wife and I have this struggle almost every day - push too hard and kill the creativity and passion, or let him keep exploring to (maybe) find his place in the industry?
I think we're finding a good balance, but sure wish we could peek ahead 10 or 20 years to see if we're on the right track. (-which makes us pretty much like every other parent!)