I always appreciate an analysis devoid of hype and hero-worship. Unfortunately, Musk followers and trumpsters worship at their respective altars and can't be bothered with facts. Although it can be fun watching them twist themselves into knots trying to justify their positions and the infallibility of their Chosen Ones - it gets tiresome.
In some ways I equate Musk with Barry Bonds - who would have been a sure-fire Hall of Famer without resorting to PEDs. IMHO, Musk's need to overinflate his successes and contributions ultimately weakens his case as a brilliant/do no wrong visionary genius.
He made electric cars cool - no need to insist on being Tesla's founder (when he clearly wasn't)
He made space flight cool - no need to pretend that he was the brilliant engineer behind every bit of SpaceX innovation.
(We have a 2012 Model S at home - so not an irrational hater over here - just a realistic one)