“ I am betting they make more than minimum wage, though, because Orange Country is an expensive area.”
yeah — that’s the problem — they really don’t make much, and they are actually at the bottom of the wage scale in OC. Starting wages at In-n-Out are (IIRC) $5/hour more than Disneyland. Disney is banking on the fact that people think it would be fun to work there and they’ll take a little/lot less to work at the “happiest place on earth”.
Record profits at Disney benefit very few people, but we have decided as a nation that the sole purpose of a corporation is to squeeze as much profit as possible. The easiest way to do that? Clamp down on your costs — i.e. workers — i.e. the people who actually get sht done.
I get it, it’s easy to point at a number (xy% profit, Stock price of xx, increased profits by xyz) and say that a company is doing well. We need to have something that measure the greatest good for the greatest number of people — wouldn’t it be great if our corporations starting competing and tying executive bonuses to THAT little statistic?