I spent 2 years and 347 resume submissions to land a good job with a great company 3-1/2 years ago - I've got 10 years on you.
What I found was a wonderful little consulting company where 20, 30, 40 somethings (and beyond!) all found ways to work together and contribute.
Before that though?
"Yeah - we're looking for someone with experience in xyz content management system"
Me: "You'll see that I built 2 CMS as both Product Manager and Developer - it won't take long for me to get this one down. Besides, haven't you been trying to fill this critical role for 18 months?"
"Well, you did that work 20 years ago and things have changed since then - thank you for going through 5 rounds of interviews though"
The best companies will find ways to leverage the experience/enthusiasm of a good cross-section of people.
Fuck the rest of 'em