I understand your point - but I am so damn tired of being told we don't understand why people vote for Trump. Are you kidding me? We've done nothing BUT try and understand. We've listened patiently to the most inane arguments possible. We've tried to empathize with people who time and time again vote against their own self-interests. Held our tongues while being called "snowflakes" by people who cry about religious persecution as they deny basic human rights and dignities to a quarter of our population.
I've read article after article and listened to talk after talk doing exactly what you've laid out here - but you know what I've never seen once? Someone on the far right that EVER seek the same understandings of anyone that differs in the slightest from their position. "Hates America" "Pedophiles" "Groomers" "Baby Killers" - that's enough for them and there is zero effort to look beyond those lazy and inflammatory labels.
I don't know a single person who thinks that anyone who votes for trump hates America. We get it. There is a small group who benefits (either power, money or both) from Republican "values" and a much larger group that thinks reading Facebook and watching Newsmax is "doing their own research".
One group is so opposed to anything that even has a whiff of compromise that the word "bipartisan" is used as an insult. They are so convinced of their own morally superior positions that not only are they not the least bit curious about what drives the other side, they actively seek to suppress any dialogue to attempt to find common ground.
So yeah-I get a little chuffed when I'm being told 8 years later how I need to try and understand why someone would vote for trump - I get it. We all get it. We're just a little tired of trying to work with folks who have zero interest in doing anything other than pushing their own agendas with no possibilities of compromise.