zeke woollett
Jan 3, 2022

I'm beginning to think we need a re-write on the first amendment to make it fit with how people lean into it in 2022

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, unless it differs from the views espoused (but not expressly practiced) by the christian right. The free exercise of speech shall not be abridged, rather the less intelligent, tolerant, or critically sound ideas shall be promoted by all with access to a social media account. The right of the people peaceably to assemble shall be granted according to the color of their skin and the nature of their grievances."

zeke woollett
zeke woollett

Written by zeke woollett

(Humorous) looks at life, relationships, work, parenting and politics. Father to 2 bi-racial boys and been with my wife (I sleep with one eye open) for 30 years

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