I’m still wrestling over this one:
“Natural selection working to cull out acquaintances that would bring breakdown anyway, some where down the road. Might as well make it sooner than later. Donald Trump gave me that gift.”
Safe to say that several relationships have been lost and others strengthened since the end of 2015. For the ones that were lost — were every really “friends” or just people brought together out of circumstance that couldn’t weather a little storm? Were we friends whose relationships hadn’t been able to evolve with our lives? Would they have hung on for another few years before dissolving in the mist?
In looking at my own life, I have a strong suspicion that the relationships hade been kept on life support by a combination of inertia, guilt, and shared history — but they were basically trapped in time and just needed a little kick to push ’em into the “used to be friends” pile…