Just watching our legal system twist itself into knots defending this idiot is excruciating. Stepping back and looking at the depth and breadth of evidence against him, a toddler would say "fk - this dude belongs in jail". Yet we allow technicality after technicality to be stretched beyond the breaking point to allow him to skate, while others are convicted with far better applications of the same laws/rulings.
The one thing we have in our favor is that he can't (please God) last much longer. His brand of politics relies 100% on his personality - and we've learned during these primaries that no one can duplicate it.
Every single candidate looks like one of those hastily thrown-together sequels of an unexpectedly popular movie, with absolutely zero clue as to why it resonated with so many people. They focus on the worst elements, amplify them, and then wonder why the film tanked. (*cough "DeSantis" *cough)