Need more on the whole "buyback our stocks for a small fortune and then layoff a bunch of people" stock pump scam. I mean, it almost seems like a bunch of c-suites sitting in a room and someone says "well sht - we've got so much cash lying around - what should we do with it? I guess we could buy-back a bunch of our stock? Wait, what? The price just jumped 10%? I just made $14 million dollars. That was fun."
Then someone else says, "you know, if we fired 10% of our workforce, I bet we could get the same jump - wanna give it a whirl?"
How about something that puts a 100% tax on those buybacks and distributes it to the folks who were laid off? (Yeah - someone smarter than me will have to work out the details - but something where it's not just free money for the shareholders, and those who were sacrificed on the altar of profit get a little something to help cushion their landing)