Sweet Jesus what I wouldn't give for an articulate, well-reasoned, factual, consistent, and rational discussion with someone who is committed to voting for trump.
The idea that inflation is solely an American issue to be laid at the feet of Biden.
The absolutely ridiculous argument the reason rich people don't create more jobs or pay higher wages is to due to a (ha!) high tax rate-and they will magically distribute all that extra $$ we give them through tax cuts.
That Biden and all the dems are "far left socialists who only want to destroy America". (Can we make a rule? You can only use a word like "socialism" if you can define it accurately.
I have an old college friend who owns a couple of banks - he's a republican (huge surprise there) who voted for trump b/c he knew there would be less regulation of his business leading to more money in his pocket. I mean, his arguments ARE rational, albeit in narrow, selfish ways - almost refreshing in 2024...