Thank you for this excellent piece. At the risk of trivializing recent/horrific events - Gaza is a good example. Reporting on atrocities committed by both Hamas and the Israeli military is not "both siding" the news. Really shitty things are happening all over and looking for root causes is a fools errand. Its ok to have opinions that are based on past history and to discuss in an open forum the "how" and the "why". For news channels to carry opinion pieces that may point fingers in different directions here is completely appropriate.
You know what's not up for debate?
Orbital mechanics
The process of nuclear fission
Masks and vaccines save lives
You know - science stuff - but of course that's been politized by "leaders" who realize the people who follow them are too stupid to understand the concepts, because reading is "hard" and there's a buck to be made somewhere.
Until we get rid of the notion that anything's ok as long as there is profit in it, and support basic strategies that benefit society as a whole - we'll never be able to move forward. Too much money to be made by jamming the airwaves with opinions masquerading as facts,