thank you for writing this, John - I share a lot of the same feelings. What just kills me is the simple fact that were Jesus walking the earth today, he would be seen walking the streets with the BLM protestors, he would have been camped out as part of Occupy Wall Street, and I think we would have see the money changers in the temple(s) attacked over and over.
(This is not a brag) Our church here in SoCal has marched and has an active social justice ministry - I think Christ and Christianity are doing good things - but the narrative has been stolen and thoroughly corrupted by these right-wing conspiracy theorists claiming superiority because of their race and their position in life.
I used to think it was (lack of) education - but it's so much deeper and darker than that. I believe a lot of it goes back to a desire for (perceived) simpler times/decisions and longing for authoritarianism to absolve themselves of critical thinking and responsibility. This can come from (their) god or reality show host that whispers in their ear that they are the chosen ones who will be vindicated.