This is exactly why I've refused to engage with almost anyone who claims to want a "rational" discussion about things. I'm happy to acknowledge that I have many views that are contradictory - I can even tell you why I hold views that should be mutually exclusive! But if someone can't even see the irrational/hypocritical positions they take - there is zero point in having those little chats.
Party of law and order? Well if you've got brown skin, you bet - they made bad choices and should pay the price!
Freedom of speech? Unless you've got a different viewpoint.
All life is sacred? Provided it's unborn or not in a lower a lower tax bracket.
Healthcare for All is just socialism, which is bad because someone, somewhere might get something they don't deserve. But we've started a GoFundMe for my cousin who got Covid at a big family Christmas party where a bunch of us got together while unvaxxed (because "freedom") and he's got big medical bills.
You think the CDC is pushing unproven vaccines, but will take horse de-wormer and drink your own urine because you did your own research (on facebook) and never passed a high-school science class.
Sigh - no wonder so many people vote against their own self-interest.