This was certainly one of the biggest "wtf" moments I've seen.
You know those courtroom dramas where the Prosecutor tricks the obviously guilty defendant into spilling the beans? Everybody in the room gasps audibly and suddenly the defense attorney is trying frantically to change to a guilty plea and cut a deal - everyone knows it's over.
Same thing here - although we've been so beaten down, turned around, flipped upside down that everyone kind of blinks and says - "wait - what? Did he just say the sky was blue?" This is the Bond villain casually mentioning on live tv - "yeah, sure - I totally intend to detonate that bomb and wipe out 20% of the world's population - we even have a little name for it"
Imagine Denis McDonough saying something like this out loud in 2019. How fast would the entire GOP's heads just explode on their shoulders? How much outrage would those hypocritical fks generate and clog our consciousness with?
The mind boggles...