When the movie was first released, a young lady of whom I was much enamored, agreed to see the film. with me. Never could make it happen, but (true to the purity of the film) I swore I would never watch it until we could see it together.
A couple years rolled by and all my friends watched it on the ubiquitous VHS machine. I held fast to my quest.
Eventually it made its way to LaserDisc and I purchased a copy for the princely sum of $49 and reached out. Due to the overconfidence of youth (mine) we negotiated a date to watch the film. At last it was not to be. She called the night before and cancelled as she had received a superior offer to go sailing.
Fk this - I watched the film and loved every frame.
Two years later I received a call out of the blue - "have you seen the Princess Bride yet?"
"um, no" I said, lying through my teeth.
Her friends were incredulous that she had not, and insisted they throw a huge party - the only condition being that I had to be invited.
I continued the charade.
"oh - YOU'RE the one..."
"can't believe neither of you has seen this"
"I think it's just perfect that you two are finally getting to watch this together"
"You two are so cute together"
(I may have made up that last one)
Long story short: We both loved it, and being able to share that special moment achieved with only a modicum of deceit, made it even better.
How did our story end?
Didn't see her again (through no lack of trying) until 15 years later when I ran into her at a Christmas service with my family. I introduced her to my wife who said "THAT'S the Princess Bride girl???"
They were good friends in High School - which I think adds the proper bookend to my relationship with this perfect film.