You've just described my extended family to a "t"
A family of immigrants (from a "sht-hole country") who think that building the Wall is needed to keep "those" people out.
A family of science-deniers who despise any attempts to increase social safety-nets and access to affordable health-care - yet throw up a Go Fund Me page to raise money for a cousin who caught Covid at a packed Christmas party of anti-vaxxers. ("He's going to suffer from life-long disabilities and really needs everyone's help")
Think that T-rump was a great President and just what our country needs because he's a "good business man" -
You get the picture.
It's been a long time since we've been invited to a family party (luckily!) b/c we're the selfish/crazy ones who don't care about others.
Oh — and immigrants are stealing jobs from “honest, hard-working Americans” — you can’t make this sht up.